So my father almost died last week. His appendix burst but he didn't know it. He left for a reunion with his sister in Ohio. They take him to the hospital and he has gangrene, some other stuff and almost dies but doesn't. Yeah for choosing life Dad!
But I was really stressed out. Tuesday my pseudo Greek BFF (pseudo b/c she married one & did all the conversion crap), Millie & I decided we both needed a drink. Kids and others taken care of, we met up at a bar. We are both about to hit the the mid-30 mark and are kinda freaking out. She is married with kids and gets anxious for various related reasons. I have a child but have never, and most likely will never want to get married and I get anxious for various related reasons. Anyway, I think this aging thing is lurking in the back of our minds.
Millie invited our younger brothers' friend JP out with us. JP is cute in that funny awkward dorkey way and we just love him to death. Now I got there later but from what I understand Millie was trying to keep up drink-for-drink with JP. He was drinking beer and she was trying to chug huge glasses of wine. So they were pretty comfortable when I arrived. Everything was normal enough until we started chatting about how this group of little boys used to try and watch us change or hide on the roof when we were laying out when they were at our houses growing up. Normal enough conversation (I think...) Then things got strange but it was one of those times where everyone has had enough to drink that it doesn't seem strange (Until the next day in retrospect + hangover).
Somehow JP ended up holding my right breast. At some point Millie was in his lap trying to teach him to seduce a cougar, I had to kiss him b/c she had kissed him, complete and total nonsense. While all this is going on it seems funny. But it is lurking in my mind what is going on?
Neither of us really want to get with this kid. I think he was just allowing us to feel like the young, wanted and pretty girls we miss feeling like. No matter how many wrinkles, laugh lines, beginning-to-sag-a-tad boobs we have, all of us still have those girls still in us. It is nice to feel that way again and why can't more people let us feel that way? Except for the part where someone might have fallen in a ditch on the way to the car. Twice. In the same spot. Oh, and it wasn't me. So HA HA Millie everyone knows it is you now.
Don't get me wrong, I am not promoting hitting on your younger brother's friend or being married and hitting on anyone, but I will say the next day JP decided he wants to marry his current girlfriend b/c he knows she's the one. So maybe things happen for a reason. We got to feel pretty and JP got scared and decided to settle down. The lesson to be learned here - don't try to keep up drink-for-drink when your drinking wine and the other person is drinking beer.
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